He has made everything beautiful in its time.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 

welcome ladies!

Welcome to Riverbend Calvary Chapel’s Women’s Ministry!
Our goal is to equip and encourage one another through the study of God’s Word.  We desire to grow in grace as we fellowship, pray for, and serve one another in love. We welcome you to join us in our current studies and events as we grow deeper together, equipping each other for the work that is set before us, and strengthening the bond of peace and unity in the family.  

Favorite Books:

Streams in the Desert - LB Cowman
My Utmost for His Highest - Oswald Chambers
Keep A Quiet Heart - Elizabeth Elliot
Whispers of His Power - Amy Carmichael 

Pleasing God - Kay Smith
Reflecting God - Kay Smith
A Chance To Die,
The Life & Legacy of Amy Carmichael - Elizabeth Elliot
Suffering Is Never For Nothing -  Elizabeth Elliot
Let Me Be A Woman - Elizabeth Elliot
Through Gates of Splendor - Elizabeth Elliot
If - Amy Carmichael  
Surrender - Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Brokenness - Nancy Leigh DeMoss
In His Image - Jen Wilkin
The Hiding Place - Corrie Ten Boom
Hinds Feet On High Places -Hannah Hurnard
The Princess & The Goblin - George MacDonald
The Fisherman's Lady - George MacDonald
The Marquis' Secret - George MacDonald

Study Archives: